Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spending Habits...

so i spend wayyyy to much money for a college student. I make about $250/month for the shite job i currently have, and i spend about every penny of it on shit i dont need. For example: With my past paycheck just a few days ago, i blew ~$200 on clothes, accessories, peircings and going out to eat. What the hell should I do to stop spending money???



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Bro.
    Back in high school, a teacher who was more of a mentor to me taught me:
    80/20. Spend 80%, save 20%.
    Also, get a Costco or Sam's Club membership.
    You can live off of a bulk pack of hotpockets for about a week.
    It ain't healthy, but it's food.

  3. haha, i really recognize the situation you're in. i suggest using a feature called "google adsense" for your blog. you can generate a small income when people click on the advertisements that google puts on your blog then. I wish you luck! :>

  4. i feel for ya man! i do the same :/ just take out $50 a week and ONLY use that! hope it helps ;)

  5. I always ask myself "Do I really need this?" in my head before purchasing anything. Helps me change my mind a ton of times.

  6. Jesus man, just buy essentials. And don't go to expensive places as much.

  7. lol, just buy food... pay for rent, sell some stuff. I eat eggs every day, they're nutritious as well as cheap. You can get a dozen for around a buck.

  8. just take a minute before you buy something and really think about it if you need it or not.

  9. To help yourself realize how much you spend never use a credit card or check. Cash allows the brain to make a more accurate decision on how much wealth is being transferred.

  10. I used to have the same problem. Solution: destroy debit card, request a new one from the bank. Allows you to save money for at least a week, sometimes two, depending on how quickly your bank will process the request for a new card.
